语文是通往世界的桥梁。在这个不一样的假期里, 通过我们,您的孩子将在轻松快乐的氛围里掌握以英语读、听、写能力以文字与世界搭桥!跨越障碍成为廿一世纪自我学习的主人翁!
Here is something exciting and useful for your child before 2020 ends! The Holiday English Camp 2020 focuses on learning about the world through engaging activities with real world application. This programme invites learners to explore a story and find out how the characters travel the world without using a plane. Learners will develop a bank of vocabulary, the skill to research and an opportunity to present their learning. The learning camp is a 5-day programme for children aged 5 to 12.
Sign up here! 报名在此 https://forms.gle/VhsxuPiT9R6sDhoN9